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Mia: Humiliated on Face Time for Wetting Pull-up
My Rating:
Runtime: 8 minutes
Date Added: 05/24/16, 11:09 PM


Step-Daddy said I have been trusted enough to be out of diapers. This is quite exciting news but out of diapers does not mean into panties yet. Once I can prove I don't need Pull-ups then I can be a real big girl. He lets me pick out which one I'd like to wear all day to lift my spirits and tells me to go have fun. After a few hours of play I decided to call my friend on Face-Time to catch up; and being so engrossed in the conversation I put off using the toilet and wet my pull-up. Step-Daddy comes into the room to check on his baby girl. Feeling my pull-up he notices that I am soaked and d...

Mia: Humiliated on Face Time for Wetting Pull-up

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